7:10 - Back to school after midterm, but it’s only five weeks to Easter! Left my classroom in an almighty mess before the week off after starting a huge tidy up…So I get a taxi in to give me time to sort things out & get organised for the day.
7:35 - In there the earliest I’ve ever been in. Lots to be said for it, but I value my sleep too much! It’s not enough time to tackle all of my to-do list, so I settle with sorting the aforementioned mess and getting the room ready for the children to come into.
8:20 - I run through my plan for the day. I don’t have the resources ready for Maths centres and won’t have time to sort them, so I push it off until tomorrow.
8:40 - I’m on yard duty each morning this week. I give lots of enthusiastic morning greetings to my class as they get dropped off, they mostly respond with things like “I saw a reindeer yesterday” and “Look at my tooth teacher”…you wouldn’t know that’s been a week since we’ve seen each other!
8:55 - We start every single day with morning fine motor work followed by our morning meeting. I introduced ‘I Spy’ to today’s morning meeting and it was a big hit! Before lunch we also do our UFLI lesson (the phonics programme we follow) and our next ‘Stay Safe’ lesson.
10:45 - Don’t make it up to the staffroom for the break, often find the first break too short to bother, so I potter around checking that I have everything ready for the afternoon lessons.
11 - Cursive writing goes on much longer than anticipated. Maths gets dropped altogether for today. We’re starting to learn about dinosaurs/palaeontology this week but I haven’t had a chance to set up our play areas for it. That’s fine though because the children are more to than happy to come up with their own ideas for playdough, small world and role-play. Children can also do junk art or use the class library. I’ve closed off sensory play as it’s still full of flour from when we were learning about the bakery before midterm. Of course one child still manages to get themselves covered in flour - where there’s a will etc!
1 - Our SESE lesson about palaeontologists gets replaced by a religion lesson on Spring/changing seasons as we’ve a nun visiting next week for a religious inspection.
1:30 - I go through today’s plan and cross off anything we didn’t get to. I have a look at tomorrow’s plan and do a bit of moving around. I’m conscious of trying to leave as close to 2:30 as possible.
4 - So much for leaving early! Between setting up things for the next day and setting up our new role-play, I don’t end up making it out until around 4pm. Necessary though! Whilst I’m trying to leave as early as possible each day, I’m also really trying not to bring work home so I prioritised that over leaving early today! Maybe tomorrow…